Another awesome week ahead at the soundbar !
Open Mic Night is Open to all Ages get in early to get your name on the board and grab a feed - its Parma Night !
Open Stage Jam Sessions hits this Thursday with the welcomed return of Taco Thursday great specials on Birria Tacos our Famous Nachos and Margarita Jugs
Friday Subsolar Launches Their New Single with some great support acts. And The Soundbar releases Our NEW WINTER MENU. Great introductory prices this Friday & Saturday
so make sure you book: 5903 5970
Saturday get your dancing shoes and warm up with late for church. 90s til today
Sunday Karaoke Kick Ons is Moving its Start time so don't forget to get in early.
#rosebud #partytime #mornington #Soundbar #livemusic #morningtonpeninsula #coverband #theninch #pubfood #openupthepen #restaurant #peninsulaeats #divebar #LocalProduce #hawkesfarm #ninchrocks #yourlocal #wings #beer #afterworkdrinks #fridayvibes #livemusicvenue #peninsulavegan #visitthemorn